Friday, April 30, 2010

Unexpected Plot Lines, and Items of Conflict

I really do love it when an unexpected plot line pops up. I'll be chugging along, then begin to worry that things aren't exciting enough, that's there's not enough tension or conflict to carry the book all the way through, and then something wonderful pops up. More to the point, this is something my MC Jacky can barrel into full tilt, and either come out on top or get her ass kicked. Either way, she'll be doing something, and learning things, and that's important in urban fantasy.

Another item of love is... well, items that have the potential to create conflicts for later story lines. (Or this one, if things get boring enough. It might be a great way to end the book and set up the possibility of a sequel, which I'll be writing whether Book 1 gets published or not.) In this case, a couple books that Jacky, as a human, shouldn't have been able to get her hands on. How did she come by these books? What exactly is in them that make them bad for a human to have? Well, I've got some ideas I can play around with.

I like having things to play with. They make me happy.

For the first time in a long time, I'm not suffering from a mid-book crisis. I know where I'm going. I know what needs to happen. I even have a general idea of how to tie everything together. Book 1 is coming along nicely, and I have high hopes of getting it done before the Backspace Writer's Conference in May.

Now I just have to decide on a title for the damn thing, and start working on a query letter, and I'll be good to go!

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